
Wait for Winter Nguyen Duy Tri • Wait for Winter • 2022

Hold off until winter. The Vietnamese expression Nguyen Duy Tri means “Nguyen Duy Tri’s Wait for Winter” in English. The notion of patience and endurance in the face of obstacles and challenges is conveyed by this memorable term. It is also the title of a book written by well-known Vietnamese novelist Nguyen Duy Tri, whose work Wait for Winter was published in 2022. I’ll discuss the significance and sources of inspiration for both this phrase and book in this blog post, along with some of my personal wintertime experiences to look forward to. 

The Meaning of Wait for Winter Nguyen Duy Tri

“Wait for Winter” In Vietnamese, Nguyen Duy Tri translates to “Nguyen Duy Tri’s Wait for Winter.” It is designed to serve as a slogan for his life and work rather than to be taken literally. Nguyen Duy Tri is well-known for his compelling and realistic books, his humorous and charming voice, and his spirit of adventure and resiliency. His writings on social concerns, political disputes, and personal hardships frequently provoke and educate a wide range of readers. For people who lack bravery, inspiration, or hope, his novels serve as a kind of wake-up call.

Wait for Winter Nguyen Duy Tri also suggests that he is a patient and tenacious individual who waits for the ideal moment to accomplish his objectives rather than giving up easily. As long as he has a vision and is passionate about what he does, he doesn’t care about the difficulties or failures that he encounters. He doesn’t hesitate to attempt new things and take chances, even if they appear frightening or unattainable. Even in this heated and stressful setting, he is a guy of cool composure. 

The Inspiration Behind the Book Wait for Winter

One of the volumes in Nguyen Duy Tri’s Wait for Winter series, which was released in February 2022, is the book Wait for Winter. The four volumes in the series are each inspired by a distinct season or facet of life. The winter of 2021, when Nguyen Duy Tri went through a significant crisis in both his personal and professional life, served as the inspiration for the novel Wait for Winter.

Nguyen Duy Tri claims that he was working on a project on which he had spent a great deal of time and money, but that the epidemic and the political unrest caused it to be canceled. He lost his job, his confidence, and his reputation. Also, after three years of dating, he broke up with his girlfriend. He experienced despair, rage, and depression. He decided to get away from everything and went to a secluded mountain community. He got to know a bunch of others there who showed him how to thrive in the severe weather. In addition to farming, he learned how to hunt and fish. He also gained an appreciation for nature’s simplicity and beauty. He had a fresh outlook on life and a new purpose.

To share his experience and metamorphosis, he created the book Wait for Winter. He wrote of his preparations for the upcoming spring and his eagerness for the winter to finish. He talked in his writings about overcoming obstacles and rediscovering his ideals and aspirations. He expressed in his writing his hope that his readers would draw courage and inspiration from his narrative and his eagerness to hear from them. 

The Summary of the Book Wait for Winter

Here is a summary of the book Wait for Winter, translated from Vietnamese to English:

In Wait for Winter, a successful and aspirational journalist named Quan is the main character. He loses all he has worked for during the winter of 2021. His reputation is destroyed, his girlfriend dumps him, and his project is scrapped. In a far-off town in the Highlands, he encounters a community of folks who have modest, self-sufficient lives after deciding to flee the city. They accept him into their tribe and provide him with advice on how to survive in the chilly and hostile surroundings. Quan gains knowledge in farming, fishing, hunting, cooking, and appreciating the peace and beauty of the natural world. He also learns how to mend his wounds and manage his emotions. He discovers that he has been pursuing the wrong things in life and gradually modifies his perspective and attitude. He decides to remain in the community and begin a new chapter in his life. The daughter of the local chief, Linh, is another girl he falls in love with. They intend to tie the knot in the spring and lead a contented and serene life together. Nevertheless, a gang of armed men who show up in the area and demand that they leave threatens their bliss. They assert that they are the land’s buyers and that they want to develop a resort on it. Quan and the locals decide to fight back since they can’t abandon their house. They defend their territory and themselves by using their knowledge and abilities. In addition, Quan’s friends and coworkers assist them by showing up and helping to reveal the unfairness and corruption behind the land sale. In a dramatic and exciting fight that takes place at the end of the novel, Quan and the villagers successfully repel the invaders and win their independence and rights. After Quan and Linh get married, everyone rejoices in their success and love. In addition, Quan published a book detailing his journey, which he dedicated to those who influenced and supported him. Wait for Winter is the title he gave it, and he thinks it would uplift and encourage people who are going through tough times.

The Reviews of the Book Wait for Winter

As the fourth and last novel in the Wait for Winter series, the book Wait for Winter shot to bestseller status the day it was published. Both reviewers and fans gave it fantastic reviews, praising the story, the characters, and the message. In addition, it received nominations for other honors, such as Best Fiction Book, Book of the Year, and Best Male Author.

  • Many readers also found resonance in the novel Wait for Winter since they could identify with its tone and concept. Many told their tales of waiting for the winter to end and getting ready for the arrival of spring. In addition, Nguyen Duy Tri received a lot of praise, support, and gratitude for his book.
  • The book Wait for Winter also inspired many adaptations, interpretations, and tributes, by both professional and amateur artists. Some of the most notable ones include:
  • Filmmaker Phan Dang Di used Mai Phuong Thuy and Tran Thanh in his popular action drama adaptation of the novel.
  • Users may take on the roles of Quan or Linh and participate in their romance and adventures in a smartphone game created by developer VNG, which was influenced by the novel.
  • Le Quoc Viet depicted the event from the novel in a painting by using realistic and minute detail.
  • a lighthearted retelling of the incident that made fun of Nguyen Duy Tri and his book by Tran Thanh and Hoai Linh, who also added jokes and parodies.

My Wait for Winter Moments

As a fan of Nguyen Duy Tri and his book, I also have some wait-for-winter moments that I would like to share. Here are some of them:

  • When I initially started reading Wait for Winter, I was under a lot of stress and frustration at work. Winter was here, and I had a ton of work and deadlines to meet. I was miserable and overburdened. I chose to read a book and take a rest. I started reading Nguyen Duy Tri’s Wait for Winter. As soon as I finished reading the novel, I was overcome with emotion. I hoped there was a way out of my predicament since I felt like I was in Quan’s shoes. The book and I struck a chord, and I was inspired to act bravely and with optimism.
  • When I reread Wait for Winter, I was on vacation with a person I cherished. We were on our way to the mountains in the spring, where we had reserved a cottage. We liked each other and had a lot in common. We chose to read a book and have a relaxing evening. He pulled out Nguyen Duy Tri’s Wait for Winter. He asked me whether I thought the same thing about the book, saying it was his favorite. Yes, I said, grinning. He hugged me and grinned back. The air made his skin chilly, even if his hug was warm. A wave of love and pleasure washed over me.
  • When I finished the third reading of Wait for Winter, I was traveling to Vietnam via plane. It was summer, and I was full of curiosity and excitement. After winning a sweepstakes to go to his book signing and interview, I was finally going to meet Nguyen Duy Tri in person. He had always been one of my favorites, so I was ecstatic about my good fortune. I read Wait for Winter after getting my book published. As I read through it, I was filled with thanks and excitement. It seemed as though I would meet both my friend and my idol.


Nguyen Duy Tri, you should wait till winter. For many individuals, including myself, 2022 is a word, book, series, and narrative that has had a profound and inspirational impact. It’s a line from a book that tells a compelling and realistic story, a series that has a well-known and gifted author, and a narrative that highlights a significant and profound shift. I will always treasure and remember this phrase, book, series, and tale.


  • Firstly, who is Nguyen Duy Tri, and why is “Wait for Winter” important to his body of work?
  • Renowned Vietnamese poet Nguyen Duy Tri is well-known for his thought-provoking ideas and vivid imagery. His famous piece “Wait for Winter” is well-known for capturing the beauty and suspense of the wintertime.
  • In 2022, how does “Wait for Winter” appeal to readers?
  • “Wait for Winter” speaks to readers in 2022 amid global concerns by bringing a feeling of optimism and rejuvenation. Its themes of desire and expectation arouse feelings that are independent of place and time.
  • What meaning does the poem “Wait for Winter” attach to winter?
  • In “Wait for Winter,” winter is a season of reflection, calm, and rebirth. It symbolizes a journey from darkness to light in metaphor, reiterating themes of development and metamorphosis.
  • In what ways does “Wait for Winter” encapsulate the spirit of winter-related cultural festivities?
  • “Wait for Winter” depicts themes of optimism, rejuvenation, and social gathering, perfectly encapsulating the spirit of wintertime cultural events. It captures the excitement and anticipation that surround these celebrations.
  • How can we learn from “Wait for Winter” about enjoying the excitement of winter?
  • Accepting the coming of winter teaches us the value of appreciating the beauty in the small things, cherishing quiet times for introspection, and nurturing optimism in the face of adversity. It inspires us to welcome change and discover rejuvenation in life’s organic cycles.

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